home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 s$="standing order":s2$="so"
- 2 rem s$="direct debit":s2$="dd"
- 3 print"[147]":gosub60000
- 6 dimso$(10),sa$(10)
- 7 gosub20000
- 10 print"[147]","[157][157][158]cheque book organiser."
- 20 print"[129]options: [156]1. [155]enter pay ins"
- 30 print,"[156][157]2. [155]enter pay outs"
- 35 print,"[156][157]3. [155]enter "s$"s"
- 40 print,"[156][157]4. [155]check statement"
- 50 print,"[156][157]5. [155]view pay ins/outs left"
- 55 print,"[156][157]6. [155]edit pay ins/outs & balance"
- 57 print,"[156][157]7. [155]edit "s$"s"
- 60 print,"[156][157]8. [155]save file and end"
- 65 print,"[156][157]9. [155]end"
- 70 geta$
- 80 a=val(a$):ifa<1ora>9then70
- 85 ifno=nand(a=1ora=2)then40000
- 86 ifno+so>nanda=3then40000
- 90 xt=0:onagoto100,300,4000,500,1000,2000,3000,30000
- 91 print"[158]are you sure? ";
- 92 geta$:ifa$="n"then10
- 93 ifa$<>"y"then92
- 94 printa$;:end
- 100 no=no+1
- 101 print"[147][129]enter pay ins"
- 102 print"[155]enter \0 to end"
- 105 print"[155]amount paid in:[158] \";:gosub12000
- 110 ifb$=""thenno=no-1:goto10
- 115 a$(no)="+"+b$
- 120 b$="paid in":gosub11110:cq$(no)=b$
- 130 print:print"[155]date ([156]dd[155]/[156]mm[155]/[156]yy[155]):[158] ";:gosub10000
- 140 p(no)=0
- 150 print:print""d$(no)cq$(no)"\"right$(a$(no),8)
- 160 print"[158]is this correct?"
- 165 geta$:ifa$="n"thenprint"":goto102
- 170 ifa$<>"y"then165
- 180 goto100
- 300 no=no+1
- 301 print"[147][129]enter pay outs"
- 302 print"[155]enter \0 to end"
- 305 print"[155]amount paid out:[158] \";:gosub12000
- 310 ifb$=""thenno=no-1:goto10
- 315 a$(no)="-"+b$
- 320 print:print"[155]date ([156]dd[155]/[156]mm[155]/[156]yy[155]):[158] ";:gosub10000
- 330 print:print"[155]input cheque number and/or description:[158]":gosub11000
- 335 cq$(no)=b$
- 340 p(no)=0
- 350 print:print""d$(no)cq$(no)"\"right$(a$(no),8)
- 360 print"[158]is this correct?"
- 365 geta$:ifa$="n"thenprint"":goto302
- 370 ifa$<>"y"then365
- 380 goto300
- 500 print"[147][129]check statement":ba=bz
- 501 ifno=0thenprint"[158]no transactions recorded.":gosub15000
- 502 ifno=0thenprint"[159]balance: \"ba$:print"[158]press any key."
- 503 ifno=0thenpoke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0:goto10
- 504 m2=0
- 505 print"[154][164][164] [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164] [164][164][164][164][164][164] [164][164][164][164][164]"
- 510 print"mocq no/descriptioncreditdebit"
- 512 gosub16000
- 515 j=1:m=0
- 516 fori=1tono:p(i)=0:next
- 520 print"[152]"
- 521 fori=jtoj+9
- 525 ifi>no thenprint" ":goto550
- 526 ifp(i)>0thenprint"";
- 530 ifleft$(a$(i),1)="+"thenprintmid$(d$(i),4,2)cq$(i)right$(a$(i),8)" "
- 540 ifleft$(a$(i),1)="-"thenprintmid$(d$(i),4,2)cq$(i)" "right$(a$(i),8)
- 550 next
- 551 print" ":print"[145][158]";
- 552 ifj+9<no thenprint"+[146] for next page ";
- 553 ifj<>1thenprint"-[146] for previous page";
- 554 print
- 560 p=j:print"[158]";:gosub570:goto600
- 570 print""
- 580 fori=1top-j+1:print:next
- 585 ifp(p)>0thenprint"";
- 590 ifleft$(a$(p),1)="+"thenprintmid$(d$(p),4,2)cq$(p)right$(a$(p),8)" "
- 594 ifleft$(a$(p),1)="-"thenprintmid$(d$(p),4,2)cq$(p)" "right$(a$(p),8)
- 595 gosub15000
- 596 print"",,"[159]balance:\"ba$
- 597 ifba=bzthenprint,,"from last statement":return
- 598 print,," ":return
- 599 gosub570
- 600 p1=p
- 610 geta$:ifa$=""then610
- 620 ifa$=" "andp(p)=0thenm=m+1:p(p)=m:print"[158]";:m2=m2+1:ba=ba+val(a$(p)):goto599
- 625 ifa$=" "thenp(p)=0:print"[158]";:m2=m2-1:ba=ba-val(a$(p)):goto599
- 627 ifa$=""andp=no then610
- 630 ifa$=""andp<j+9thenprint"[152]";:gosub570:p=p+1:print"[158]";:goto599
- 640 ifa$="[145]"andp>jthenprint"[152]";:gosub570:p=p-1:print"[158]";:goto599
- 650 ifa$="+"andj+9<no thenj=j+10:goto520
- 660 ifa$="-"andj>1thenj=j-10:goto520
- 670 ifa$="q"then10
- 680 ifa$=chr$(13)andm2>0then700
- 690 goto610
- 700 print"[147][129]balance ok":gosub595:print"[158]are you sure?";
- 701 geta$:ifa$="n"then500
- 702 ifa$<>"y"then701
- 704 printa$:print"do you require a printed statement? ";:bx=ba
- 705 geta$:ifa$="n"thenprinta$:goto900
- 710 ifa$<>"y"then705
- 720 printa$:print"turn on printer and press a key"
- 730 geta$:ifa$=""then730
- 735 print"[129]input statement number: ";:gosub12000:print
- 740 open4,4:print#4
- 750 print#4,"cheque book statement number:"left$(b$,5)
- 755 print#4
- 762 bn$=ba$:ba=bz:gosub15000
- 765 print#4,"previous balance: \"ba$
- 770 print#4
- 775 print#4,"date cq no/description credit debit"
- 780 fori=1tom
- 785 f=0
- 790 forj=1tono:ifp(j)=ithenf=j
- 795 next
- 800 iff=0then830
- 810 ifleft$(a$(f),1)="+"thenprint#4,d$(f)cq$(f)right$(a$(f),8)
- 820 ifleft$(a$(f),1)="-"thenprint#4,d$(f)cq$(f)" "right$(a$(f),8)
- 830 next
- 840 print#4
- 850 print#4," new balance: \"bn$
- 860 close4
- 900 f=0
- 901 forj=1tono:ifp(j)<>0then920
- 910 f=f+1:cq$(f)=cq$(j)
- 911 d$(f)=d$(j)
- 912 a$(f)=a$(j)
- 913 p(f)=0
- 920 next
- 929 print"[155]":iff=0thenprint"0 items left":goto940
- 930 print"you still have"f"items left"
- 940 no=f
- 950 print" in the cheque book."
- 955 bz=bx
- 960 print"[158]press a key to return to menu"
- 970 poke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0:goto10
- 1000 print"[147][129]view pay in/outs":ba=bz
- 1001 ifno=0thenprint"[158]no transactions recorded.":gosub15000
- 1002 ifno=0thenprint"[159]balance: \"ba$:print"[158]press any key."
- 1003 ifno=0thenpoke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0:goto10
- 1005 print"[154][164][164] [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164] [164][164][164][164][164][164] [164][164][164][164][164]"
- 1010 print"mocq no/descriptioncreditdebit"
- 1012 gosub16100
- 1013 gosub15000
- 1014 print"",,"[157][159]stat bal:\"ba$
- 1015 fori=1tono:ba=ba+val(a$(i)):next
- 1016 gosub15000
- 1017 print,,"acc bal:\"ba$
- 1018 cb$=ba$:ba=bz
- 1019 j=1
- 1020 print"[152]"
- 1021 fori=jtoj+9
- 1025 ifi>no thenprint" ":goto1050
- 1030 ifleft$(a$(i),1)="+"thenprintmid$(d$(i),4,2)cq$(i)right$(a$(i),8)" "
- 1040 ifleft$(a$(i),1)="-"thenprintmid$(d$(i),4,2)cq$(i)" "right$(a$(i),8)
- 1050 next
- 1051 print" ":print"[145][158]";
- 1052 ifj+9<no thenprint"+[146] for next page ";
- 1053 ifj<>1thenprint"-[146] for previous page";
- 1054 print
- 1110 geta$:ifa$=""then1110
- 1130 ifa$="p"then1200
- 1150 ifa$="+"andj+9<no thenj=j+10:goto1020
- 1160 ifa$="-"andj>1thenj=j-10:goto1020
- 1170 ifa$="q"then10
- 1190 goto1110
- 1200 print"[147][129]print":print"[158]are you sure?"
- 1201 geta$:ifa$="n"then1000
- 1202 ifa$<>"y"then1201
- 1220 print"[147]turn on printer and press a key"
- 1230 geta$:ifa$=""then1230
- 1240 open4,4:print#4
- 1250 print#4,"cheque book (outstanding)"
- 1255 print#4
- 1262 ba=bz:gosub15000
- 1265 print#4,"last statement balance: \"ba$
- 1267 print#4," account balance: \"cb$
- 1270 print#4
- 1275 print#4,"date cq no/description credit debit"
- 1290 fori=1tono
- 1310 ifleft$(a$(i),1)="+"thenprint#4,d$(i)cq$(i)right$(a$(i),8)
- 1320 ifleft$(a$(i),1)="-"thenprint#4,d$(i)cq$(i)" "right$(a$(i),8)
- 1330 next
- 1340 print#4
- 1360 close4
- 1370 goto1000
- 2000 print"[147][129]edit pay ins/outs":print"and balance":ba=bz
- 2001 ifno=0thenprint"[158]no transactions recorded.":gosub15000
- 2002 ifno=0thenprint"[159]balance: \"ba$:print"[158]press any key."
- 2003 ifno=0thenpoke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0:goto10
- 2005 print"[154][164][164] [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164] [164][164][164][164][164][164] [164][164][164][164][164]"
- 2010 print"mocq no/descriptioncreditdebit"
- 2012 gosub16200
- 2015 j=1
- 2016 fori=1tono:p(i)=0:next
- 2020 print"[152]"
- 2021 fori=jtoj+9
- 2025 ifi>no thenprint" ":goto2050
- 2026 ifp(i)>0thenprint"";
- 2030 ifleft$(a$(i),1)="+"thenprintmid$(d$(i),4,2)cq$(i)right$(a$(i),8)" "
- 2040 ifleft$(a$(i),1)="-"thenprintmid$(d$(i),4,2)cq$(i)" "right$(a$(i),8)
- 2050 next
- 2051 print" ":print"[145][158]";
- 2052 ifj+9<no thenprint"+[146] for next page ";
- 2053 ifj<>1thenprint"-[146] for previous page";
- 2054 print
- 2060 p=j:print"[158]";:gosub570:goto2100
- 2099 gosub570
- 2100 p1=p
- 2110 geta$:ifa$=""then2110
- 2127 ifa$=""andp=no then2110
- 2130 ifa$=""andp<j+9thenprint"[152]";:gosub570:p=p+1:print"[158]";:goto2099
- 2140 ifa$="[145]"andp>jthenprint"[152]";:gosub570:p=p-1:print"[158]";:goto2099
- 2150 ifa$="+"andj+9<no thenj=j+10:goto2020
- 2160 ifa$="-"andj>1thenj=j-10:goto2020
- 2170 ifa$="q"then10
- 2175 ifa$="b"thenprint"[147]":gosub596:gosub21020:goto2000
- 2180 ifa$=chr$(13)then2300
- 2190 goto2110
- 2200 print"[147][156]1.[158] date: [159]"d$(p)
- 2210 print"[156]2.[158] discription:[159]"cq$(p)
- 2220 print"[156]3.[158] amount: [159]\"right$(a$(p),8)
- 2222 a$=left$(a$(p),1)
- 2224 ifa$="-"thena$="d"
- 2226 ifa$="+"thena$="c"
- 2230 print"[156]4.[158] c[146]redit/d[146]ebit:[159] "a$
- 2240 return
- 2300 gosub2200
- 2310 print"[129]d[146]elete, e[146]dit or q[146]uit"
- 2320 geta$:ifa$="q"then2000
- 2330 ifa$="d"then2600
- 2340 ifa$<>"e"then2320
- 2350 gosub2200
- 2360 print"[129]1[146],2[146],3[146],4[146] or q[146]uit"
- 2370 geta$:ifa$="q"then2000
- 2380 a=val(a$):ifa=0ora>4then2370
- 2390 onagoto2400,2430,2460,2490
- 2400 te=no:no=p:t$=d$(p)
- 2405 print"[158]new date:[155]";:gosub10000
- 2410 print:print"[158]ok (y/n)?":no=te
- 2420 geta$:ifa$="n"thend$(p)=t$:goto2350
- 2423 ifa$<>"y"then2420
- 2426 goto2350
- 2430 print"[158]new desc:[155]";:gosub11000
- 2440 print:print"[158]ok (y/n)?"
- 2445 geta$:ifa$="n"then2350
- 2450 ifa$<>"y"then2445
- 2455 cq$(p)=b$:goto2350
- 2460 print"[158]new amount:[155]\";:gosub12000
- 2470 print:print"[158]ok (y/n)?"
- 2475 geta$:ifa$="n"then2350
- 2480 ifa$<>"y"then2475
- 2485 a$(p)=left$(a$(p),1)+b$:goto2350
- 2490 print"[158]credit/debit:[155]";
- 2500 geta$:ifa$="c"thenb$="+":goto2520
- 2510 ifa$<>"d"then2500
- 2515 b$="-"
- 2520 printa$
- 2530 print"[158]ok (y/n)?"
- 2540 geta$:ifa$="n"then2350
- 2550 ifa$<>"y"then2540
- 2560 a$(p)=b$+right$(a$(p),8):goto2350
- 2600 print"[158]sure (y/n)?"
- 2610 geta$:ifa$="n"then2300
- 2620 ifa$<>"y"then2610
- 2630 fori=p+1tono
- 2640 cq$(i-1)=cq$(i)
- 2650 d$(i-1)=d$(i)
- 2660 a$(i-1)=a$(i)
- 2670 next
- 2675 cq$(no)="":a$(no)="":d$(no)=""
- 2680 no=no-1
- 2690 goto2000
- 3000 print"[147][129]edit "s$"s"
- 3005 print"[154][164][164] [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164] [164][164][164][164][164]"
- 3010 print"no"s2$" descriptiondebit"
- 3012 gosub16300
- 3020 print"[152]"
- 3021 fori=1to10:b$=right$(str$(i),2)
- 3030 printb$so$(i)right$(sa$(i),8)
- 3050 next
- 3060 p=1:print"[158]";:gosub3070:goto3100
- 3070 print""
- 3080 fori=1top:print:next
- 3090 print""so$(p)right$(sa$(p),8)
- 3095 return
- 3099 gosub3070
- 3100 p1=p
- 3110 geta$:ifa$=""then3110
- 3115 ifso=0then3180
- 3127 ifa$=""andp=sothen3110
- 3130 ifa$=""thenprint"[152]";:gosub3070:p=p+1:print"[158]";:goto3099
- 3140 ifa$="[145]"andp>1thenprint"[152]";:gosub3070:p=p-1:print"[158]";:goto3099
- 3170 ifa$=chr$(13)then3300
- 3180 ifa$="q"then10
- 3185 ifa$="p"then3700
- 3190 ifa$="a"andso<10then3200
- 3195 goto3100
- 3200 print"[147][129]add "s$:print
- 3205 so=so+1
- 3210 print"[155]enter \0 to end"
- 3212 print"[155]amount paid out:[158] \";:gosub12000
- 3214 ifb$=""thenso$(so)="":sa$(so)="":so=so-1:goto3000
- 3215 sa$(so)="-"+b$
- 3230 print:print"[155]input description:[158]":gosub11000
- 3235 so$(so)=chr$(160)+s2$+left$(b$,18)
- 3250 print:print""so$(so)" \"right$(sa$(so),8)
- 3260 print"[158]is this correct?"
- 3265 geta$:ifa$="n"thenprint"":goto3210
- 3270 ifa$<>"y"then3265
- 3275 ifso<10then3200
- 3280 goto3000
- 3300 gosub3310:goto3350
- 3310 print"[147][156]1.[158] discription:[159]"so$(p)
- 3320 print"[156]2.[158] amount: [159]\"right$(sa$(p),8)
- 3330 return
- 3350 print"[129]d[146]elete, e[146]dit or q[146]uit"
- 3360 geta$:ifa$="q"then3000
- 3370 ifa$="d"then3500
- 3380 ifa$<>"e"then3360
- 3390 gosub3310
- 3395 print"[129]1[146],2[146] or q[146]uit"
- 3400 geta$:ifa$="q"then3000
- 3410 a=val(a$):ifa=0ora>2then3400
- 3420 onagoto3430,3460
- 3430 print"[158]new desc:[155]";:gosub11000
- 3440 print:print"[158]ok (y/n)?"
- 3445 geta$:ifa$="n"then3390
- 3450 ifa$<>"y"then3445
- 3455 so$(p)=chr$(160)+s2$+left$(b$,18):goto3390
- 3460 print"[158]new amount:[155]\";:gosub12000
- 3470 print:print"[158]ok (y/n)?"
- 3475 geta$:ifa$="n"then3390
- 3480 ifa$<>"y"then3475
- 3485 sa$(p)="-"+b$:goto3390
- 3500 print"[158]sure (y/n)?"
- 3510 geta$:ifa$="n"then3300
- 3520 ifa$<>"y"then3510
- 3530 fori=p+1toso
- 3540 so$(i-1)=so$(i)
- 3550 sa$(i-1)=sa$(i)
- 3570 next
- 3575 so$(so)="":sa$(so)=""
- 3580 so=so-1
- 3590 goto3000
- 3700 print"[147][129]print":print"[158]are you sure?"
- 3701 geta$:ifa$="n"then3000
- 3702 ifa$<>"y"then3701
- 3720 print"[147]turn on printer and press a key"
- 3730 geta$:ifa$=""then3730
- 3740 open4,4:print#4
- 3750 print#4,s$"s"
- 3755 print#4
- 3770 print#4," "s2$"description amount"
- 3790 fori=1toso
- 3795 print#4,so$(i)right$(sa$(i),8)
- 3800 next
- 3810 print#4:close4:goto3000
- 4000 print"[147][129]enter "s$"s"
- 4001 ifso=0thenprint"[158]no "s$"s to enter."
- 4002 ifso=0thenprint"press a key."
- 4003 ifso=0thenpoke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0:goto10
- 4010 print"[158]are you sure?";
- 4020 geta$:ifa$="n"then10
- 4030 ifa$<>"y"then4020
- 4040 printa$
- 4050 xx=no:no=0
- 4060 print"[155]date ([156]dd[155]/[156]mm[155]/[156]yy[155]):[158] ";:gosub10000
- 4070 no=xx
- 4080 print:print"[159]correct?";
- 4090 geta$:ifa$="n"then4040
- 4095 ifa$<>"y"then4090
- 4100 fori=1toso
- 4110 d$(no+i)=d$(0)
- 4120 cq$(no+i)=so$(i)
- 4130 a$(no+i)=sa$(i)
- 4140 next
- 4150 no=no+so:goto10
- 9999 end
- 10000 rem date input
- 10010 d$(no)=""
- 10020 geta$:ifa$=""then10020
- 10021 ifa$=chr$(13)andlen(d$(no))=8thenreturn
- 10022 ifa$=chr$(20)andlen(d$(no))>0then10080
- 10025 iflen(d$(no))=8then10020
- 10029 ifa$="0"then10040
- 10030 ifval(a$)<1then10020
- 10040 iflen(d$(no))=0andval(a$)>3then10020
- 10041 ifd$(no)="3"andval(a$)>1then10020
- 10042 ifd$(no)="0"andval(a$)=0then10020
- 10043 iflen(d$(no))=3andval(a$)>1then10020
- 10044 ifmid$(d$(no),4,1)="1"andlen(d$(no))=4andval(a$)>2then10020
- 10045 ifmid$(d$(no),4,1)="0"andlen(d$(no))=4andval(a$)=0then10020
- 10050 iflen(d$(no))=1thena$=a$+"/"
- 10060 iflen(d$(no))=4thena$=a$+"/"
- 10065 d$(no)=d$(no)+a$:printa$;
- 10070 goto10020
- 10080 l=1:iflen(d$(no))=3thenl=2
- 10085 iflen(d$(no))=6thenl=2
- 10090 d$(no)=left$(d$(no),len(d$(no))-l)
- 10100 print"[157] [157]";:ifl=2thenprint"[157] [157]";
- 10110 goto10020
- 11000 rem text input
- 11010 b$="":l=0:s=1
- 11020 geta$:ifa$=""then11020
- 11025 ifa$=chr$(13)then11110
- 11030 ifa$=chr$(20)andl>0then11100
- 11040 ifl=19then11020
- 11042 ifa$=" "ands=1then11020
- 11045 ifa$=" "ora$="!"then11060
- 11050 ifa$<"#"ora$>"_"then10020
- 11060 s=0:ifa$=" "thens=1
- 11065 b$=b$+a$:l=l+1:printa$;:goto11020
- 11100 s=0:print"[157] [157]";:l=l-1:b$=left$(b$,l):goto11020
- 11110 b$=chr$(160)+b$
- 11115 iflen(b$)<21thenb$=b$+" ":goto11115
- 11120 return
- 12000 rem value input
- 12010 b$="":l=0
- 12020 geta$:ifa$=""then12020
- 12025 ifa$=chr$(13)andl=0thenb$="0.00":goto12400
- 12030 ifa$=chr$(13)thenb$=b$+".00":goto12400
- 12040 ifa$=chr$(20)andl>0then12100
- 12045 ifa$="."andl=0thena$="0.":l=1:goto12200
- 12050 ifa$="."then12200
- 12060 ifl=5then12020
- 12065 ifb$="0"then12020
- 12070 ifa$="0"then12080
- 12075 ifval(a$)=0then12020
- 12080 printa$;:b$=b$+a$:l=l+1:goto12020
- 12100 l=l-1:print"[157] [157]";:b$=left$(b$,l):goto12020
- 12200 l=l+1:b$=b$+a$:l1=0:c$="":printa$;
- 12210 geta$:ifa$=""then12210
- 12220 ifval(b$)=0anda$=chr$(13)thengoto12405
- 12230 ifa$=chr$(13)andl1=2thenb$=b$+c$:goto12400
- 12240 ifa$=chr$(20)andl1>0then12300
- 12245 ifa$=chr$(20)then12100
- 12260 ifl1=2then12210
- 12270 ifa$="0"then12280
- 12275 ifval(a$)=0then12210
- 12280 printa$;:c$=c$+a$:l1=l1+1:goto12210
- 12300 l1=l1-1:print"[157] [157]";:c$=left$(c$,l1):goto12210
- 12400 iflen(b$)<8thenb$=" "+b$:goto12400
- 12405 ifval(b$)=0thenb$=""
- 12410 return
- 15000 rem print balance
- 15010 b$=str$(abs(ba*100)):b$=right$(b$,len(b$)-1)
- 15015 iflen(b$)<3thenba$="0":goto15030
- 15020 ba$=left$(b$,len(b$)-2)
- 15030 ba$=ba$+"."
- 15040 iflen(b$)=1thenba$=ba$+"0"+b$:goto15050
- 15045 ba$=ba$+right$(b$,2)
- 15050 iflen(ba$)<8thenba$=" "+ba$:goto15050
- 15055 ifb$="0"thenb$=" ":goto15080
- 15060 b$=" c"
- 15070 ifba<>abs(ba)thenb$=" d"
- 15080 ba$=ba$+b$
- 15095 return
- 16000 rem print info
- 16010 print"[158]space[146] to include on statement"
- 16020 print"return[146] when balance agrees"
- 16025 print"use crsr up/down to move line
- 16030 [153]"qwait to return to menu"
- 16040 [142]
- 16100 [143] print info 2
- 16110 [153]"syspwait to printout info":[137]16030
- 16200 [143] print info 3
- 16210 [153]"sysreturnwait to edit line"
- 16220 [153]"bwait to edit last statement balance"
- 16230 [137]16025
- 16300 [143] print info 4
- 16310 [153]"":[139]so[178]0[167][153]:[153]
- 16315 [153]"sysawait to add "s$
- 16320 [139]so[177]0[167][153]"returnwait to edit line"
- 16325 [153]"pwait to print "s$"s"
- 16330 [139]so[177]0[137]16025
- 16335 [137]16030
- 17000 [143] error
- 17010 [132]15,e1$,e2$,e3$,e4$
- 17020 [142]
- 20000 [143] load data
- 20005 [153]"loadreturnsyssearching for cheque data"
- 20010 [159]15,8,15,"i0"
- 20020 [159]5,8,5,"cheque data,s,r"
- 20030 [141]17000
- 20040 [139][197](e1$)[177]0[167]21000
- 20045 [153]"loading"
- 20050 [132]5,bz
- 20055 [132]5,n:[141]22000
- 20060 [132]5,no
- 20070 [139]no[178]0[167]20102
- 20080 [129]i[178]1[164]no
- 20090 [132]5,cq$(i)
- 20092 [132]5,d$(i)
- 20094 [132]5,a$(i)
- 20100 [130]
- 20102 [132]5,so
- 20104 [139]so[178]0[167]20120
- 20106 [129]i[178]1[164]so
- 20110 [132]5,so$(i)
- 20112 [132]5,sa$(i)
- 20114 [130]
- 20120 [160]5:[160]15
- 20130 [142]
- 21000 [153]"clrerror:open"e1$" "e2$" "e3$" "e4$
- 21010 [160]5:[160]15
- 21015 n[178]50:[141]22000
- 21020 [153]"sysset up balance: \";:[141]12000
- 21030 bz[178][197](b$):[153]
- 21035 [139]bz[178]0[167]a$[178]"on":[137]21060
- 21040 [153]"credit or debit (c/d)? ";
- 21050 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]"c"[167]21060
- 21055 [139]a$[179][177]"d"[167]21050
- 21056 bz[178][171]bz
- 21060 [153]a$:[153]"listis this ok? ";
- 21070 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]"y"[167][142]
- 21080 [139]a$[179][177]"n"[167]21070
- 21090 [153]a$"":[137]21020
- 22000 [134]cq$(n[170]1),d$(n[170]1),a$(n[170]1),p(n[170]1):[142]
- 30000 [153]"loadforsave and end"
- 30001 [153]"sysare you sure?"
- 30002 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]"n"[167]10
- 30003 [139]a$[179][177]"y"[167]30002
- 30005 [153]"loadsyssaving cheque data"
- 30010 [159]15,8,15,"i0"
- 30020 [152]15,"s0:cheque data"
- 30030 [159]5,8,5,"cheque data,s,w"
- 30040 [141]17000
- 30050 [139][197](e1$)[177]0[167]31000
- 30060 r$[178][199](13):[152]5,bz;r$;
- 30065 [152]5,n;r$;
- 30070 [152]5,no;r$;
- 30075 [139]no[178]0[167]30102
- 30080 [129]i[178]1[164]no
- 30090 [152]5,cq$(i)r$;
- 30092 [152]5,d$(i)r$;
- 30094 [152]5,a$(i)r$;
- 30100 [130]
- 30102 [152]5,so;r$;
- 30104 [139]so[178]0[167]30120
- 30106 [129]i[178]1[164]so
- 30110 [152]5,so$(i);r$;
- 30112 [152]5,sa$(i);r$;
- 30114 [130]
- 30120 [160]5:[160]15
- 30125 [139]xt[178]1[167]40100
- 30130 [128]
- 31000 [153]"clrerror:open"e1$" "e2$" "e3$" "e4$
- 31010 [153]"syspress any key to re-save"
- 31020 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[151]198,0
- 31030 [137]30000
- 40000 [153]"loadsysthere is not enough room to store any","more transactions."
- 40010 [153]"creating space for 10 more."
- 40020 n[178]n[170]10
- 40030 [153]"listyou must now save cheque data."
- 40040 [153]"press any key to do so."
- 40050 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[151]198,0
- 40070 xt[178]1:[137]30000
- 40080 [153]"listnow press a key to re-load data."
- 40090 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[151]198,0
- 40100 [138]
- 60000 [151]53280,0:[151]53281,0:[153]"loadreturn":[151]198,0
- 60001 [153],"cmdsysnewrndrndrndnewrndnewrnd***new*new*new*new**"
- 60002 [153],"cmdgetlogwaitgetlogwaitgetgetgetgetgetwaitrndgetsingetgetgetgetgetsin"
- 60003 [153],"cmdlogwaitrndgetgetlogwaitrndlogloggetcosgetwaitnewgetcosgetcosgetcosgetget"
- 60004 [153],"newrndnewrndnewrndnewrndrnd***new*new*new"
- 60005 [153],"getgetlogwaitgetgetlogwaitget*cosgetgetwaitnewgetwaitrndgetcos"
- 60006 [153],"logwaitget*waitrndlogwaitgetgetgetgetgetgetwait*cosgetwaitnewgetwaitsin"
- 60007 [153],"cont*newnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewrnd"
- 60008 [153],"getwritten bywaitget"
- 60009 [153],"lognewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnewwaitcossys"
- 60010 [153],"cmdcmdcmdnewrndnewrndnewrndnewrndnewrndrndrndnewrndrndnewrndrndrndrndrndrnd"
- 60011 [153],"cmdcmdcmdlogwaitgetloggetloglogwaitgetgetrndgetlogwaitgetgetlogwaitgetgetgetget"
- 60012 [153],"cmdcmdcmdgetlogwaitrndgetlogwaitrnd*waitrndlogwaitsingetlogwaitrndgetlogwaitgetgetgetgetlogwaitrndlogwaitrnd"
- 60013 [153]"onpress any key to start, or i for info."
- 60014 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]a[178][171](a[178][171]a):[151]646,a[170]3:[137]60013
- 60015 [139]a$[179][177]"i"[167][142]
- 60016 [153]"loadforlenheque peekook (NULL)rganisersys was written by"
- 60017 [153]"(NULL)eter (NULL)eighillsys during atnugust 1990."
- 60018 [153]"(NULL)hanks to (NULL)umsys for the contoriginal ideasys."
- 60019 [153]"(NULL)hanks to str$ad sysfor helping to write the"
- 60020 [153]"continstructionssys for this program."
- 60021 [153]"print(NULL)ress any key to start."
- 60022 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]60022
- 60023 [142]